Netflix vs Cinema
The cinematic boxing match

We Miss Cinema 8: Extraction; Letter To The King; Maleficent: Mistress of Evil; Film Buff: Karen Bagshaw; Sexey's School; Angelina Jolie looks like her Dad

3 years ago

We speak to Leeds based Karen Bagshaw who talks us through

  • The first film she saw in the cinema
  • The last film she saw pre- lockdown
  • Why she likes cinema
  • What she wants to see when Cinemas reopen (Bill and Ted for the win)

For the regulars, Shaun catches up with Angelina Jolie in Maleficent 2. Tosin tells a story about why his friend Matt refuses to find Angelina Jolie attractive, and Sharon gets in touch with her YA self. We also get our first international correspondent as Sayma Chowdhury pops up to show us how accurate Chris Hemsworth in Dhaka starring Extraction is.

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